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Studying Together


What is ASPIRE?

ASPIRE is a collective impact that leverages the assets of partner organizations and community stakeholders to bridge the gaps in the effort to scale education and workforce opportunities in the community.


ASPIRE uses a data-driven approach to improve educational access and success beyond high school for all students including underserved, underrepresented, and vulnerable student populations in Leon, Wakulla, and Gadsden Counties.


By working across various organizations, we want to transform systems to ensure that students have the information, support, and guidance they need to succeed after high school.


Education and training beyond high school are critical to ensure that Capital region residents are prepared for the jobs of the future. Many statewide and national economists suggest that as early as 2022 but no later than 2030, 60% of gainful employment will require education and training beyond high school, including 2- and 4-year degrees, apprenticeships or high-quality, industry level certification.

How do we work together to ensure all Leon County students are college and career ready with the necessary skills to positively impact the community?


How do we work together to develop a system to strengthen and expand resources that provide equitable access to educational opportunities that are reflective of student, business, and the community’s needs?


Talent Pipeline

How could we better coordinate and leverage the education systems that fosters a school to work connection and affords all students an opportunity to a high impact education?


Talent Development

How could we work together to build strategies that cultivate the employable skills to increase educational attainment?


What is collective impact?

Collective impact is the commitment of a group of people from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a specific social problem. Unlike most collaborations, collective impact initiatives involve a centralized infrastructure, a dedicated staff, and a structured process that leads to a common agenda, shared measurement, continuous communication, and mutually reinforcing activities among all participants.

Collective Impact Partners
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