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Pathway Maps

The pathway maps are designed to assist you, your parents, and school advisors plan the steps needed to achieve your desired career goal.   

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to agribusiness systems, animal systems, environmental service systems, food processing systems, natural resource systems, plant systems and power, structural and technical systems.

Architecture & Construction Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to designing, planning and managing construction projects or building maintenance.

Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communication

Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to visual and performing arts, journalism and broadcast-ing, printing technology or telecommunications.

Business Management & Administration Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to administrative support, general and operations management, business information management or human resources management.

Education & Training Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career is related to school administration, teaching or training.

Finance Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to accounting, banking, insurance and investing.

Government & Public Administration Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to governance, national security, public administration, regulation and taxation.

Health Science Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to research and development, evaluating, diagnosing and treating diseases and managing patient facilities and data, as well as the related professional and technical support services.

Hospitality & Tourism Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to lodging, recreation, food services, travel and tourism.

Human Services Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to consumer services, counseling services, family and community services and personal care services.

Information Technology Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to information support and services, networking, programming and software development and web and digital communications.

Manufacturing Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to maintenance, installation, repair, manufacturing pro-duction process development, production and quality assurance.

Marketing Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to marketing communications, management and re-search, merchandising, and professional sales.

Public Safety Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to corrections, emergency and fire management services, law enforcement services, legal services and security and protective services.

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Career Paths

Explore this path if...

You are interested in a career that is related to facility and mobile equipment maintenance, logistics planning, sales and service, transportation operations and infrastructure planning.

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